Saturday, September 12, 2009

Response to one of our readers

First off I would like to apologize for the absence of posts yesterday as my intend is to keep everyone here informed 24/7 but there were some computer issues which I had to solve ( Never take your Laptop to the Best Buy Geek Squad) nevertheless I am back.

I am very interested in the ACE forums because I always find them highly entertaining and fun to read and sometimes utterly full of nonsense. There are good individuals who post relevant posts with great info too but somehow does go unnoticed thanks to the three or four individuals who enjoy starting negative topics that don't drive the exchange anywhere.

Anyhow as I was browsing to the sections I came across this gem:

"Matt, could you please tell us what do you think about AON?"
JayT Axel

I have said plenty of times I would cover all the companies listed at ACE as a matter of fact I said earlier in the thread where this post had been placed . However since I have limited time I can't post a thousand reviews but since Jayt is so eager to hear my views it would be cruel of me to deprive him any longer so hear it goes.

What do I think of All or Nothing?

I believe it was company that started out fine and showed some great potential I find it was managed skillfully and rarely was there any major issue. The bomb blew out when Hugo said " Hey I want to do a buyback and liquidate AON" which he is trying to do so far in-world to the best of my knowledge. Do I believe its right to pay some shareholders and not others? No I don't but I do think paying some is better than paying none. Do I think it was right to excessively advertise his blog and put up some of the stuff he has? Of course he can't push advertisment like that in ACE, but he is free to post independantly in a blog. When a blogger writes somenthing people may choose to read it or not.

As the situation stands what I think is this,

1) He is trying to do a partial buyback for 80% of the investors
2) He has stopped his spamming in ACE
3) He has done things I don't agree with
4) You can read his blog at your own discretion

That is my humble view Jayt and know that I am a friend of Hugo but I do know when he does wrong this and I point them out to him and tell him that he shouldn't do them ( buying some shares instead of all) but beyond that he is and adult and I can't do more.


1 comment:

  1. Agreed with AON comments. There is gonna be a meeting of AON shareholders Saturday, and I believe this is the right thing for Hugo to accept as communication of his buyout plan.


    More to come.
