Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thoughts on the current BDVR Situation

Blue Diamond Virtual Reit has been the center for hot discussions and rivalries for a while now that have not cease to exist since fraudulent management by Southernborne Thespian was stopped. Since the control was turn over two investors the company has not achieved much because there has been an awful amount of miscommunication.

I remember quite clearly how the interim board started as I was one of the members and we were all hopeful and determined to save the company from impending doom. However as the time passed the board never conected and things were said and done that created many underlying conflicts that stopped the progress. An example of this was the office set up by Ashleigh Wade in a generous gesture being returned by someone without much explanation.

I have always had some attachment for this company since I used to spend many hours working hard in it while it was being run by Hugo. To this day I still do , but I think given the current situation the best thing is to start a liquidation and pay the shareholders whatever money can be obtained. I am not saying this because I want my ACE competitor out of the picture but rather because what I see in the forums is extreamly descouraging, the few people who have made a effort and had an opportunity to shape BDVR back have been driven away and there is not much interest from the shareholders in steping up to a board.

The latest discussion between Stray and Alain in the forums should not have been carried out as it was. Stray was in his right to express discontent and ask the questions and reasons behind them that he saw fit. Now Alain came along and started on a very aggresive manuver which was just plain wrong. In my opinion the tensions between people involved in these company has led to hypersensitivy when it comes to discussing important matters.

In all honesty I think we have to be able to say enough is enough, the company was crashed by Southern and there have been hard attemps at making it work with no avail. So at this point I ask you, Black Label Reader, what you think about? Do you see light in the horizon after all the bad connections between investors who have tried to step up? Wouldn't it make more sense to sell the assets in a controlled manner and give a final dividend?



  1. i guess in some sick way i would like to see you, Alain, me, and Bagz on the board, for one final push. not sure if it would work, but there seems to exist motivation amongst us four.

    or maybe this will just make a reader chuckle.

    cheers, and thanks for the blog,


  2. IndiaRaven,

    I am glad to see you have found my blog and I do hope you enjoyed reading what I have put up so far.

    Your suggestion is of course one that can't occur given that Alain has decided to branch out and create his own skybox company. He has announced this now after being one of the main individuals criticizing my involvement with BDVR as conflict of interest. Lol, go figure he was just studying BDVR to take on his own venture!

    Thanks for your comment & hope you enjoy our posts to come.


  3. No need for a liquidation, because there are assets. Besides the rental boxes, there is a stock portfolio which can generate profits. Though a professional board which hires a CEO might be desirable, it won't work in SL for a legion of reasons. BDVR shareholders have to act, elect a board, let the board hire Bagz (I don't see any serious alternative) and go on.

  4. Betting the odds here.
    2 out of three owners have made a considerably successful business of BDVR, although it was dramatically changed each time a new owner took the helm. Given the nature of the business, and the holdings it has as assets even now, I am willing to bet that any future CEO with ethics and any business acumen will make this company work, and profitably.
